Sunday, October 6, 2013

Seminole Sound! AKA Last First Competition!


Hello, Hello!!
Happy Sunday to all!
I don't know about where you are, but it's a beautiful day in the FLA!
Yes, I am usually this happy. :)
But I'm extra happy today because we had our first marching band competition yesterday!!!!
The first competition of the year is always Seminole Sound. It's a time for people to make mistakes, but also to check out the competition for the rest of the season.
Picture time!
Lovely set of Drum Majors!
This is Ms. A, one of our band directors. She's known my parents forever, and used to babysit me when I was little. Now that we're both older, she helps me and my co-DM become as awesome as we possibly can!
Me and Nikki!
Lovely Senior Twins!

Kirsten and Me!
Nikita, myself, and Shirley all started band the same year (Nikita was in 7th grade, I was in 9th, and Shirley was in 8th). I've been so blessed to march with these lovely girls! They're wonderful, and yesterday I marched my last Seminole Sound with them. :)
Nikita, me, and Shirley!
Our band always gets together to pray for our show and for each other before every competition. It's one of the coolest things about our band, and it's a time for us to focus before we go.
(Photo Cred to Lisa Jones)
Another band tradition?
Pixie stix.
It started my freshman year, and we always down pixie stix before a show.
(Photo Cred to Lisa Jones)
 The band show begins with the band entering the field. Once it appears that the band is set, the announcer will ask "Drum Majors, is your band ready?" at which time the drum majors perform a salute.
 Part of our salute this year is the Charleston, since our show is the 1920s.

(Photo Cred to Lisa Jones)

(Photo Cred to Lisa Jones)

My dear ginger friend Jen and I start the show together. I play the intro from Rhapsody in Blue and she has a guard solo on sabre.

(Photo Cred to Lisa Jones)

Before the third of our four movements, Cara and I switch off, and I get on the drum major podium to conduct.
(Photo Cred to Lisa Jones)

The girl in white here is Claire. She's a sophomore and an amazing dancer, so she has a dance solo. The violin player, Troy, is dressed as Charlie Chaplain and is playing his song "Smile", while Cara (my Co) is on the bench with the umbrella.
(Photo Cred to Lisa Jones)

Marching band is a lot of hard work, but it pays off!

We were awarded Best Drum Majors in the 2A division, and recieved the awards for Best Guard and 1st overall in the 3A division!
Cara and me with our Best Drum Majors trophy!

No, we don't know how we placed in two divisions either.

I think we broke the system.

Awwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeah!!!

We're going to try to sort it out on Monday, so I'll let you all know how that goes.
Congrats to all the other bands who competed this weekend, and good luck for the rest of the season!!!


PS: Hopefully I'll be able to get you all a video of the show sometime this week!!

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