Monday, February 11, 2013


WOW! Hi there! Long time no blog, etc...

Sorry. It's not on purpose I swear. It's just that I have this thing called life... maybe you're heard of it? It can get a little crazy.

But crazy can be fun!!

I won't even try to fill you in on the past, what? Three weeks? I'll just aim for last week.

Well, last Sunday, we went to church with some friends, and then, since it HAPPENED to be on the way and all... STARBUCKS!!!  
I decided to try something new. I was looking at the menu, and I was thinking "Hm. I love Green Tea. I love Frappucinos. I wonder..." So yes, I got a Green Tea Frappucino.

Guys, I have a new favorite Starbucks drink. It's this.
(On a side note, it always makes my day when they ask for your name to put on it!! It makes me feel special, like I'm a rockstar or something. Anyone else know that feeling?)

Anyhoo, the rest of last week was kinda uneventful. Until Saturday, that is...

To anyone in the Band/Choir world: Solo and Ensemble Weekend!! WHOO!
To those of you who have no idea what that is: It's pretty much when a bunch of band/choir kids (this time it was band kids) get together and play solos or ensembles then get graded on them. It's actually kinda fun. Stressful, but fun.

This was my trio! Lovely, aren't we?
Bowties For The Win!!!
(Another sidenote: I really like the way my bangs turned out!!
 I think I'm going to keep them for a loooong time!!)

I know this is cruel, but prepare to get jealous about my Saturday night. I made blackened catfish and watched Batman.

Now if that isn't a good time, I don't know what is!!
Batman reruns are on Saturday nights at 7. You better believe I watch them every week!!

Then Sunday night I got my crafty on, because this ever-lovely girl had a birthday!!!!
A bunch of of went out for dinner to celebrate! It was so much fun, just being with great friends and hanging out!
I went with a "Gold" theme for her gift. The inside of the card had lyrics from "Gold" by Owl City and was filled with Rolos and Werthers. Pretty creative, if I say so myself. :)
I wish I could say that today was really exciting. But nope. It was just another day back at school.
Well, other than the fact that I started my morning off with some Snapple Peach Tea!! Yeah!
                       (I know it's empty in the picture. I refill the bottle with water all day long.)

And then singing... in band?
Yep!! This Thursday is Grandparent's day, and the highschool band and choir sing the benediction at the end. A little tune called "Go Ye Now In Peace".

It's kinda become a tradition over the last three years or so. At the end of every concert or big event, we spread out into the crowd and sing this song. It's really cool!

In other random news, I learned started learning saxaphone this weekend! Our first jazz band rehersal was today. I'm feeling good about it!

I'll try to get some good pictures of Grandparent's Day.

Until then, keep being awesome!!!!


Question of the Post: Favorite Starbucks drink? GO!



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